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Say something about yourself here, or why you're interested in London Boaters.
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If you know it, enter the
London Boaters activation password
here, for immediate user registration approval (clue: it's a curved yellow fruit).
Facebook user name
If you have one, enter your Facebook user name here, to gain immediate user registration approval, along with (if/when working properly) additional access and functionality, in the form of alerts and connectivity. For your privacy, the content of this field is not made public and is only shown to you as the profile owner, and to this site's administrators for bug fixing. If you wish to share your Facebook user name with other site members, feel free to include it along with whatever other information you like, in the "About me" field shown earlier above.
If you have one, enter you website here.
which NUMBER sounds like 'for tea'?
Yes, this is a trick questi40n and easy t40 answer.
We ask it because spam b40ts are t4040 stupid t40 answer c40rrectly, while humans are n40t. L4040k!