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Boaters Pets - If found please return

London Boaters Pets Reunited poster

If you find a PET by the waterway, it may belong on a BOAT close by!

Please check here first before ever taking them away!!

Boaters - Please display this message in your windows to help people remember to check first before ever taking away our pets! Download and print it here

This page is an online 'Boaters Pets Reunited' (or 'This is my pet') facility, for people to post photos of pets for identification, so that others who find a lost stray can identify which boat it belongs on, to help get lost or found pets reunited with their keepers!

If you register beforehand and log-in before submitting your pet's details, you can then always adjust the information here later as your needs change, eg stating your mobile number here while your pet is missing, and then changing it back to your boat name or whatever else you prefer later, after they are found again.

Or if you list your pet here anyway, then others who find your pet anytime can check here and get in touch with you straight away..!

Boating Resources
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Add more pets using the form below:

Set a title for this post, ideally something helpful such as 'Found Pet' if you have found this pet, or 'Lost Pet' if you have lost this pet.
You can upload images of the pet here. Max file size per image is 2MB.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
Please state your contact information for returning this pet. Remember that this information will be published publicly, so maybe use your pet/boat/nick name and mobile number, or a facebook username, rather than your real name and email if more comfortable that way. If you register first and log-in as a user of this site before you use this form, you can then always adjust your details here later as your needs change, eg stating your real mobile number here while your pet is lost but changing it back to whatever else later after they're found, or anything else that works for you, innit.
If there is any more info about ths pet, please give it here.
Yes, this is a trick questi40n and easy t40 answer.
We ask it because spam b40ts are t4040 stupid t40 answer c40rrectly, while humans are n40t. L4040k!
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