Stonebridge cleanup day Sat 15th June

Time & Place: 10.00am – 3.00pm at the Waterside Centre.

Tasks: Community Room:-

Clean windows inside & out.
Clean under the eaves and underside of roof outside the toilets
and showers.

Clean the showers and toilets.

Clean and tidy the kitchen.

Clear vegetation from between the paving stones.

Tidy the rubbish area and take what we can to re-cycling area. It has become a dumping ground for things such as mattresses again.

I believe it was mention at a previous meeting that we could clean/paint the tables outside. What do you think?


We will need food and drink, and before we have relied on contributions which has worked well. It is usually the same people who bring food and so I thought if we set aside a budget for this we could compensate. What do you think? If people are prepared to contribute please ask them to email me what they will bring, as we do not want to be short of food or over-loaded.

When informing your various groups try get an idea on how many are coming as this will help us to assess the amount of food.

General: FoTM has some tools and I will assess as to whether we might need more. We will need cleaning materials, although there some already at the WSC, and again I will assess and by more with SCENT money if necessary.

If there is anything else I have forgotten or deal with let me know.

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