Here is the latest news from London Boaters. Members may comment on matters presented here.

London Assembly CRT Appendix 3

Map showing mooring supply on Regent's Canal

London Assembly CRT Appendix 2

Map of mooring demand on Regent's Canal. Shows boat sightings annually in March from 2010-2013.

Response to FOI request re. Mooring in London - LA Investigation

Oh, the balanced, rational debate that goes on behind blacked-out names... the --- are not our friends!

Whatever Happened to the Cowley and Uxbridge Community Boaters Group?

A document in several parts, including an account of the meeting on 24th April with Sally Ash &co, a 'brief introduction' that explains why CUB buckled under the pressure of enforcement, the 'provisional proposals for the roving permit' apparently drafted by CUB (with CaRT help?), the CaRT questionnaire for CC'ers on the GU, the 'place' map, and a document provided by the Waterways Chaplaincy discussing housing benefit generally, and in the context of the RMP.

Stonebridge cleanup day Sat 15th June

Time & Place: 10.00am – 3.00pm at the Waterside Centre.

Tasks: Community Room:-

Clean windows inside & out.
Clean under the eaves and underside of roof outside the toilets
and showers.

Clean the showers and toilets.

Clean and tidy the kitchen.

Clear vegetation from between the paving stones.

Plans for Moorings on Regents Canal Spring 2013

An update on CaRT development of new online and offline 'long term' moorings as of the UGM for London spring 2013. The minutes of the meeting confirm that the failure to inform any user-groups of these plans is something CaRT will look to rectify...


The Floaters newspaper is now available for downloading from the London Boaters website here.


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