London Boaters launches News service

Image for London Boaters News service article

London Boaters is launching a news and information online platform to revive its website and to promote it as a community resource. The news service – called London Boater News – will be publishing news articles, comment and opinion on the recently revamped London Boaters website. A spokesperson for London Boater News said that the news service was intended to complement London Boaters Facebook group, as well as provide a service for non-Facebookers, and encouraged boaters to become involved.

“We think it’s important to keep the London boating community informed about what is going on in the London canal and river network and the new London Boaters News will be a complement to our Facebook group,” they said. “The trouble is that half of what is written on Facebook is opinionated bollocks and it’s not always easy to tell.”

“Whilst London Boater News will most definitely publish some opinionated bollocks; it will be edited opinionated bollocks, and we will be working to journalistic ethics and standards so at least any facts given will be accurate. We will also be running straight news articles alongside the comment and opinion.”

“If you are a London boater and a journalist/news writer, or you are interested in writing news, or if you are a vlogger, blogger, writer, photographer, cartoonist or podder and want to get published then get in touch. Editors, sub-editors and proof readers are also welcome.”
“Its early days yet, there is no grand plan, so anyone wanting to get involved now will have a real chance of shaping how London Boater News evolves.”

Originally founded in 2008 to connect CCing boaters in London via a monthly meetup and newsgroup-email list, and now as an interactive website with over 1000 registered members, WWW.LONDONBOATERS.ORG.UK provides a platform for news and information for all boaters in London.

The website holds member-generated Boating Resources and services lists, a Security/scaremongering section, an Offered-Wanted and Lost-Found section, Projects planning and development facility, questionnaire compiler and a Debating area, all with update notification alerts and internal messaging system. The intention is for providing a place for fellow boaters to unite and show some solidarity and work together to get things done to help each other make things better by doing something positive.

Anyone wishing to become involved or submit content to London Boater News please email

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