London Boaters Organisation Consultation Response May 2011

London Boaters Organisation Consultation Response May 2011

LILO website

A boater set it up many years ago with the idea that anyone can get editing rights and put up a page of info, about how to do things, electrics, maintenance, painting, engines, stuff like that, or add to whats there already. There have also been three LILO boaters gatherings. LILO isn't really anyone, its there as a resource and for anyone who wants to input.

WFE consultation document

Waterways for Everyone. DEFRA strategy documemnt from 2007. Was part of the kick start to changes in the workings of BW and EA.

River Lee moorings consultation press release

Offical British Waterways response to the Lee and Stort Consultation

Public statement 8 March re Lee mooring plan

BW Public Statement from Damian Kemp following the River Lee Consultation Meetings 08.March.2011

Paper for discussion with LVRP 19/11/10

Paper for discussion with LVRP 19/11/10

Notes East 19 May

Minutes of the last BW user group meeting in area

Mooring Guidance for Continuous Cruising Revision April 2011

Revised CC Guidelines dated “April 2011) but PDF dated 16th May 2011, author “Ash"

Lee Mooring Strategy workstreams

Lee Mooring Strategy workstreams 17-12-10

Lea Valley Park Authority re Residential Moorings pt 2

Lea Valley Park Authority re Residential Moorings & BW policy at Stonebridge Lock part 2

Lea Valley Park Authority re Residential Moorings pt 1

Lea Valley Park Authority re Residential Moorings BW policy at Stonebridge Lock part 1

Lea Valley Park Authority Planning Committee

Lea Valley Park Authority Planning Committee re BW Moorings

Lee Mooring Strategy

Lee Mooring Strategy 17 Dec 2010


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